Category: Hanga | Create

Dragon Eyes.

Dragon Eyes 


On Friday afternoons, we do Action Stations. This term, I chose to make Dragon Eyes.


First, we read some descriptions of dragons and identified their characteristics.


Then we completed a planning sheet, considering what we wanted our dragon to be like. We thought about personality, colour and features.


I decided I wanted my dragon to be a nice and peaceful green dragon. 


After, we used the clay we use the clay we paint are dragon eye i’m going to paint my dragon eye green.


Finally, we painted them.

The g.o.a.t of food, meat loaf for the 1st

At school we did whats your favorite food. I did meat loaf! the king of all food/ g.o.a.t with food. My favorite type of meat loaf is the table breaking meat loaf they are so big and juicy that it breaks tables. Right now I’m asking my mum and dad to have meat loaf for dinner and I’m asking for the table breaking meat loaf.